Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Been Feeling Kinda Lazy....

Man, I feel like I've been fighting off a cold for a while now. I have a hard time sleeping, but I'm always tired, and I've been getting some pretty interesting headaches lately. The changing seasons are wreaking havoc on my sinuses, so I'm sure that's it, but seriously! I'm ready to start feeling good again!

It's taking some adjusting getting used to the whole "school year" routine again. I'm up with Joshua every morning to get him ready for school, but the minute he gets on the bus, I just want to go back to bed! Maybe I need to start working out in the mornings - get my energy up right away... I'm going to TRY that tomorrow, but honestly, I don't have much willpower, so I'll probably come up with some kind of excuse.


However, I start an aerobic class on the 30th, so maybe that will help get me back in the groove.

We've been busy working out in the yard lately. Fun stuff like yanking out bushes and removing stone so we can fix our fence. The house next to us is in foreclosure, so this weekend we went out there and thinned out the treeline between our property and theirs. Their yard was SO overgrown that it was making our yard look bad too! That just won't fly, lol. So, armed with a chainsaw, we spent the weekend clearing out trees that were on our property and stocking up on firewood, lol. It's not done yet, but it looks a ton better.

Joshua got signed up for Boy Scouts tonight. He read the paper they sent home from school about it and is CONVINCED that he's going to ride his bike through the mountains, learn to shoot a bow and arrow and cook smores over a campfire, thanks to the pictures that were on the paper, lol. He and Rick are BOTH super geeked about him being a "Wolf Cub"!! Rick maybe even more than Josh, lol! The first big "Pack Meeting" is on Monday, so we'll all be going to that as a family. I was a girl scout for quite a few years, so this is pretty fun for me too :)

Other than that, not a whole lot of excitement in our neck of the woods, but I'll take it! I like when things are quiet!

Oh, I forgot to add... on Sunday, my family had a Golf Scramble, and I DID NOT SUCK, even though it was only my second time ever going "real golfing", LOL! It was fun, and I'm looking forward to next year! It's the time of year when I get to see my family a lot... Pumpkin Carving, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, all really close together! I'm super family-oriented, so it's nice for me to see them a lot this time of year!

Have a great week... I'm off to listen to "My Horizontal Life" by Chelsea Handler. It looked really funny and I could do with some funny tonight! Thank you, book on CD from the library and MP3 player!

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